Heartfelt Apologies Going the Way of the Buffaloes.
People no longer just apologize. There is no such thing as screwing up, admitting guilt, making amends and moving on. In our public society (i.e. celebrities, politicians, etc.), an apology must be accompanied by rehab, counseling and consultation with the appropriate offended group. There are too many examples to list, but here are just a few: Mel Gibson, Mayor Newsom, Mark Foley, Michael Richards, Britney Spears, Joe Biden.
In no way am I suggesting these people do not need counseling or help. Nor am I suggesting contacting group leaders is a bad thing. Both are good things. Both can lead to healing-- both personally and communally. However, my observation is that screwing up and apologizing is no longer good enough. American society demands more. The media demands more. Why? In my opinion, people are so full of shit these days that no one can believe anyone. So when someone gives a true apology, we need the "checked him/herself in" moment to actually believe. What happens when the bar keeps sliding and rehab is no longer enough? Oprah will always have job, getting these people to cry on her couch. Eww.
Let's not forget one of the worst offenses from this past year by Isaiah Washington. And his apology wasn't good enough for the reason that he DENIED THE ENTIRE THING a few months later. What an ass!
I agree, though, Anthony. I get so fed up with the American media and populace and their ultimate lack of integrity and goodness that it often feels worthless to even try to be a good person. Agh!
Welcome to the USA, where bigger is ALWAYS better... (where, mind you, nothing says "I'm sorry" like multimillion dollar lawsuits for "pain and suffering")
I think meaningful apologies should come with an attempt at reparation... Problem is, you can't 'fix' it when you've managed to offend a whole country full of people, and any attempt will not only ultimately fall short but appear empty... And the bigger the attempt, the emptier it looks.
I think a lot of people (celebrity and non) don't know how to really apologize. "I'm sorry" is just self-degredation and doesn't help anyone.
What a difference to hear "I'm responsible for that" or "I can see now what I've put you through". Reparations pale in comparison to a genuine acknowledgement of what's been compromised.
But then, integrity doesn't sell... If any of these people did actually do that, it probably got 30 seconds of airtime.
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