Trump and Nietzche.

So I was watching the news on webcast on MSNBC. The MSNBC video casts are pretty good, and provide a good sampling of the day's news. That one NBC dude (his name is like Rock Sampson or Brick Jennings or some made up screen name) provides the anchorman position. Anyways, in the queue is an interview with Donald Trump on Don Imus radio show. Undoubtedly, it's about Rosie O'Donnell and some other bullshit I don't care about. But I leave the video running and start doing something in my room. Well, I hear Donald Trump over the speakers and I had this HORRIBLE realization. I'm Donald Trump. No joke. I heard him say, "Oh God, this woman is just a complete disaster. She's just not a very bright person." I thought to myself, "I hate Donald Trump because he is such an absolutist. Oh my god, that's me! I hate myself!" Last week, I think I actually called the salad bar a "complete disaster" because it didn't have chickpeas. At least I don't share his hair. I used to think he was combing his eyebrows back over his head.

To make matters worse, this weekend, I was browsing the philosophy stacks at Barnes and Noble with Laura. I was browsing and talking about how I feel dumber in graduate school. That somehow undergraduate was challenging in a broad sense, and graduate school is challenging in the absolute smallest, most pinpointed way. I used to enjoy discussing philosophy, but that part of my brain is now home to a moth and cobweb festival. Anyways, as I peruse the stacks at BN, my eye catches Nietzche, so I pick up a few books, read the backs, cover notes, etc. Simultaneously, Laura and I see the book, "Why I am So Wise" by Nietzche. Laura immediately says, "That should be the title of your autobiography." Bitch. Then I thought maybe my autobiography should be titled, "Why I am So Right." Then Laura made the smart compromise, "Call it 'Why I am So Wise' and have Trump right the forward." (Sidenote: Laura and I decided to sharpen our minds on "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Nietzche. I read the introduction and I already suffered my first thinking-related aneuryism).
Anyways, there you have it. I take some relief in the fact that I think being an absolutist is annoying and funny because it is absurd. Big definitive statements about the mundane or trivial make me laugh. I love Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm a big picture person, but details are more fun. Black and white opinions are funny because it is obvious the world is not that simple. There's nothing worse than taking a complex issue and boiling it down so that some asshole can sort of understand. It's a soundbite world. Like those CNN headlines, "Vitamins. Good for your health. Or the cause of the largest pandemic known to man. Find out at 7!" I hate those fuckers. I want to say, "HEY! Some vitamins are good. Some probably are less helpful. And vitamins alone do not beget a healthy person. But they could be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Stop being an inflammatory jackass!" But nonetheless, I gotta tone this Colbertian persona down.
Thanks for the laughs! At some point in this "read" I had no idea what you were talking about. Guess my world of teaching elementary school and religious ed shows by this.
However, I did especially enjoy your comment about Trump's eyebrows as hair, and your realization that you have become him. I'm sure we can all find a commonality to his ideas in some area? (especially about Rosie...)
Move over Kevin Bacon---now we might coin, "seven degrees of separation from THE DONALD."
Aunt Mb
I can see this certain likeness between you and (what I read so far about) Nietzsche. You both certainly like to provoke by ultimate and (therefore?) nonsensical statements, in which you don't believe yourselves. That's why I like you guys so much.:-)
Take "God is dead." (the well-known Nietzsche quote). I think he never believed in it. He was just scared and wanted to wake up people. Or the quote I appreciate very much from Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Part I, section on womankind, old and young):
"Man should be trained for war and woman for the recreation of the warrior; all else is folly."
But wait, that means this whole Why I Am So Right-Trump-talk is just BS as well...
I think you're contrary to the blog.
Great! Maybe you guys could teach me what this damn book is about, since I have to read it for class (in German, though)
Auf Deutsch macht es ueberhaupt kein spass. Waer aber wahrscheinlich auch das Selbe auf englisch...
Good words.
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