priests and homework
Been doing a ton of research lately. Final papers and exams are here. I have TWO 15-page research papers due a week from tomorrow, also two take-home exams and two sitting exams for the following week.
Today I was at the library at St. John's Seminary. (Sometimes my life really surprises me, you know? Today I hung out at the Seminary!? wtf... two years ago I'd have died laughing at the suggestion.)
Well, I found myself in the vicinity of the youngest priest I have ever, ever seen. This kid had to have been about 23. He was baby-faced, and had this innocence, this total lack of worldliness, about him. I couldn't stop staring at him. All in black, collar and everything. At an age where most of his peers are out on a seemingly endless bender, scouting around for a piece, and skipping class, this kid is on his way to hearing confessions and presiding over the eucharist. It really floored me. At the thought of calling him "Father," I lost my mind. I crossed the room the long way to avoid having to greet him, in case I choked on the word...
There are, really, so many priests in my department. I haven't been around so many unavailable men since my days as a fag hag in college. When I said I was hoping I'd meet more guys up here, this is not what I had in mind!
Anyway, what am I up to? Research... Research and studying the Church... Surrounded by people OF the Church. Church Church Church! Aack!
For a while once, I waited tables at a Mexican restaurant. Some days, I would say to myself, Whew! If I see one more tortilla chip, I think I'll scream! Much the same, I'm ready for a bit of a break from God and the Church and the Catechism and Vatican II and ALL of it. I'm DONE. Am I gonna join a cult in rebellion? Not likely. But am I anxious to discuss the meaning of life and salvation over a cup of tea? No way. I'm taking suggestions for trivial and mindless pursuits for my vacation.
didn't you hear? Just call me Sister Mary Francis Xavier... of the Sisters of the Immaculate Not-On-Your-Life!
LMAO. No really, I'm at Boston College, getting a dual masters in Mental Health Counseling and Pastoral Ministry.
I understand exactly what you mean Sarah! I have been doing church stuff for almost 45 years and now the "powers that be" want me to get yet another certification in ....pastoral ministry...religious education etc.
Surprisingly, the head pooh-bah woman at the diocesan office, who runs the program, does not count the fact that I have been a master catechist for 45 years, have taught religion for all that time, have run sacarmental programs for at least 30 of those years, have taken theologiy workshops and courses, and have been living a "nun's life" forever....No they say! Go back to school and get more credits in the stuff we think you need, like "how to organize a parish or program". HELLLOOOO!!!! what the heck do they thnk I have been doing???
..okay now i am finished. Just had to get that out and let you know I can get to you honey...hang in there....the fun never ends.
Aunt Mb
"Take a vacation. A vacation from my... PROBLEMS! You bet I will."
--Bob, "What About Bob?"
Maybe a cult would work. You were always most likely to be the neo-pagan, secular humanist. Come to think of it... I don't have one of those yet. So you have the green light.
Hang in there, man! Welcome to Grad School, biatch! :P
I would think that the over-the-top priest quotient at BC would be to your liking, Sarah... you know, as a number of priests have a thing for you... :)
Though, on second thought, F. Stan might feel a bit threatened if he knew there were a bunch of youngin' celebants for you to defrock... hmmm... maybe take Ant and Mike's advice and save it for your winter break trip to Bloomington. Have a chat with Stan to sort it all out! ;)
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