Friday, September 22, 2006


It's been about a month now since I moved out here to Boston, and I'm glad to say things are going smoothly (and thanks to everyone for asking and well-wishing!).

All this change has given rise to lots of thought and self-exploration. Those who know me best will not be surprised at this... I tend always to look inward, to process things. But then, I think anyone would! Maybe I'm just more aware that I'm doing it than most people.

Anyway, the thing that keeps creeping back into my consciousness is this: how and when did my previous life get to be so small? By small, I don't mean boring or trite, just... routine. It's not like I'm up here hanging from every available chandelier. I just can't remember the last time I tried something new before this! Somewhere along the line, I just stopped seeking the opportunities.

I'm itching lately to keep the adventure going...! As I get more settled here and find my pace, I feel this pang, this longing-- to not let myself get into some rut (albeit a new rut) of school/work/friends/whatever; to keep things fresh. There's such power in trying new things. It doesn't even have to be some big crazy adventure thing, either-- it's just about challenging my ideas about myself and my world, about seeing things from a different angle.

So, here's my challenge to myself: For the next 30 days, my policy is to be game for anything. Provided it's affordable, legal, moral(ish), and doesn't jeopardize my job or my schoolwork, I agree to say YES to invitations, big and small. Lunch with a friend? Yes. Email about an art opening? Yep. Hiking? Yes. Checkers? Yes. High tea? Yes. I've kinda already started-- yesterday I served as acolyte for a small Mass (I *never* thought I'd do that!), and tomorrow morning I'm walking in a 5K for charity.

This could really get exciting. And if I enjoy myself this month, I may just employ this policy on a permanent basis. look out, folks...


At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I admire this new goal. Although, I'd argue you are and always have been rather adventurous, even if you didn't feel it. And while I lived with you, I thought you seemed very open to doing things. But kudos to your new plan. I'm glad it has started off well.

At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going well.

What you are going through is called growth. All nature spends some time in stillness and then pushes into movement. You were not un-adventurous before, you were just in the waiting stage. Why is now is the time to move and grow? just is!

It will happen this way throughout your matter how old you get....Enjoy...

Aunt Mb

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Anthony said...

You should announce this new motto of "try anything" in a loud, clear voice at the BC undergrad bar. Tell us all what happens.


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