Monday, August 28, 2006

How apropos...

For those who don't know me, this is Anthony's friend Sarah (previously) from Bloomington. I post under the name Sachi because it's my family's longtime nickname for me. I adore it, and there are too many Sarahs out there besides. Sorry for the (months) delay in posting-- hope this stuff was worth waiting for.

How apropos... that this blog is called What the Hell Do I Know?, and (though I realize it's a rhetorical question), as I sit to write my inaugural post, I'm grappling with more uncertainties, mysteries, and unknowns than I ever EVER have before in life. What the hell do I know? Not a freaking lot, at the moment.

I've just moved to Boston (yesterday!), and let me tell you, folks, uprooting one's life like this is not for pussies (can I use that word on the blog? I suspect Anthony will freak, but don't let him fool you-- a couple drinks in that man and it's all he can talk about. HaHaHa- Hi to Mom and Aunt Mb. LMAO ...he's gonna kill me.) No, seriously, for all my weaknesses, I am not someone you'd call meek or faint of heart, and this is unequivocably kicking my butt. I'm exhausted, and it's only been ONE day.

Navigating my new life is something like being in a foreign country where no one speaks English... I constantly feel lost. I pick up a lot, but still 90% of it is a total mystery. Even at the end of the day, I go home to strangers.
Not. one. single. thing. in. my. life. is. familiar.

What the hell do I know?
I do know that I'm stubborn as hell and I won't quit till I conquer this. I know, though I feel mostly queasy, my every instinct still tells me that BC is exactly where I'm supposed to be. I know that I have a killer sense of direction and someday I'll figure out these godforsaken streets. I know that ALL the people I have met so far have been simply *lovely* and I can't wait to know them better... But I also know I'm counting the days until October when I can visit home.
I can't wait, guys.


At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, Sarah, I am one of the NITs that Bertie is living with... NIT is Nun IN Training for those who aren't abreast of convent lingo. But it isn't a bad life if BC doesn't go so well. THat said, it will and you will be fine, but if not I am assistant to the vocation director here at the house and we have an outstanding invitation with your name and your prayer card on it.
SO bird told me your comment about not seeing a face you love until October. WRONGO! you will meet someone in the most random of places in the next few days and then wham you will think move over old Bestie I have to make room for this new BC person in my life. FUN. I don't mean to diminish the difficulty of transition but I find avoidance works really, really well and that could bring you all the way til, say Oct.
Good luck with all.
NIT (Kirstin)

At 11:34 AM, Blogger clairehelene7 said...

Sarah!! I'm so glad you blogged so I can hear about Boston. It takes a while for things to settle, but you will figure out where things are and how to get to them and you'll make new friends. The newness will wear off. How are the housemates? When does school start? I hope you post semi-regularly!

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks for the words of support! Things really will come together, I know... for now, it's really one day at a time.
The housemates are like the nicest people ever. I've met 3 of 4 of them, and the last one will be back tomorrow night. So far I spend tons more time with my fellow grad assistants, who are AWESOME folks- a very intelligent, fun-loving group with a good collective vibe. The department is small, and cozy as hell. Everything's situated in a big house just off campus- faculty are always around and everybody hangs out in the kitchen like family. too cute.
Classes start a week from today. I finally registered, too... So much God to study, so little time.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Bird said...

FYI: Kirstin's remark "I am one of the NITs that Bertie is living with" implies that there are more than one NIT in the house. Our house is comprised of four nuns, Kirstin, and me. As I am not a NIT, I want to record to reflect that Kirstin is NITing on her own! ;)

Sarah, things will get better. I know you know that, but it is worth repeating anyway.

On a different subject, I have never heard any of your siblings call you "Sachi"... did you just make that up to seem cool?! ;)

At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you wrote. I was wondering what was going on in your life. If you feel you are where God wants you to be...then you are way ahead of a lot of people who go through life paddling aimlessly from one activity to another. Classes starting will help a lot. Enough of that....Kirstin said all I would have.

As for Anthony's off color conversations when he gets drinks in him.....that's news to me....But I believe it....I have no doubt that he can be a putz...

Prayers for you...stubborn is good....
Aunt Mb

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Anthony said...

Sarah, I am appalled at your insinuation that I use foul language. You, sir, are a flagrant potty mouth offender. Your nickname is F-Hoff because you said "F" at the dinner table of a Protestant minister. Need I say more? We call it, *The F Heard 'Round The World* !

I'm sure this is a trying experience so far. It's always a huge adjustment. Newness can sometimes stink. But newness because familiar eventually. It was good to hear from you tonight. Don't go WASPy on us.

At 1:25 PM, Blogger clairehelene7 said...

Don't go WASPy on us.

What's that supposed to mean, Mascia?


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