My New Motto.
My friends had me rolling with laughter. They've decided my new motto should be, "Life's too short." How not fitting is that?! When has life ever been to short for me? When you get upset about pie filling and rice pilaf or you consider the wasteful cost of 2-ply toilet paper, life can not be too short. As a matter of fact, perhaps it's just a little too long. Could you think of a less fitting montra?
What is wrong with me?
Well...there are a number of things to be named in answer to your question, "What is wrong with me?" But, let's let it go with words directly from your mouth: you enjoy being mildly annoyed. It's your favorite state of being, and therefore, life would be too long for you, and 2-ply would be too expensive.
you enjoy being mildly annoyed
put a fork in it, this blog is dead.
Bertie, not everyone can kick back in their convertible and cruise Bloomington for fun over the summer. It's tough being you.
You're right: four hours of intensive language lessons a day, five hours of work, and another four hours of homework. How I do let the time flit away... speaking of which, how was your vacation in New York?!! ;)
I'm still having trouble letting go of the whole TP cost analysis thing. There's a new commercial for one of the major brands that basically eludes to the idea that we shouldn't skimp on the extra cost of "quality" TP ... EVERY time it comes on, I think of you and just giggle. I'd still like to have a window to the past to witness the upbringing of Anthony and Sarah because something tells me I'd have much to raz your mom about!
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