Intriguing Desserts.

For example, no one would ever mistake this friend's chocolate cake for actual chocolate cake. But at the same time, it isn't not chocolate. It something else entirely. It's like a secret recipe that only one person has and no else wants.
Also, this friend's frosting is always gritty. It's not bad. I mean, it's not good. But no matter what recipe she uses, the frosting turns out gritty. She's made this frosting using at least three different methods since I've known her. Gritty... every last one of em. But yet I go back for a second slice.
Also, never in my life have I tasted brownies like her infamous Sahara brownies. This dessert is so named "Sahara brownies" because I have never experienced this level of drought in my mouth. I felt like a gazelle in the African brush foraging for that last puddle of water left after the rainy season disappeared. But I felt myself compelled to have a second brownie.
Above, and for my first picture post, is a photo of her Zebra Cake. In this case, a picture speaks a thousand words. If this friend ran a bakery, her cakes would look like that on the shelf. And you know what? I'd probably be a repeat customer. Any dessert can taste good, but how many desserts leave you confused yet intrigued?
Wow, Sarah is going to be SO pissed when she sees that you dedicated an entire blog to her cooking! Now 'Ol Taco Shell Sides is definetely going to get over her hurt feelings and take you on in the Great Bloomington Bake Off of '06!
(sorry for using the "p" word in the last post. Bad form)
Sarah really is going to be mad.
The whole world?!
With this level of eloquence, you should be publishing books. Joe says there's a great publishing house right here in B-town. Check it out, friend.
P.S. if the Whole World is reading Anthony's blog, God help us.
Bird, are you trying to ruin the happy home that we have. Don't be mean to Sarah like this. I can't always be the glue that's holding this family together.
Since I have never baked a cake in my life, I have only admiration for those who do.
YEP--If you come back for more....The proof of success, is that people ask for seconds.
Aunt Mb
ROBERTA RUTH BURNS, SHAME ON YOU. And Anthony, don't you even get me started.
oh, whoops. too late...
May I remind you that in past posts, SARAH railed against fibromyalgia like a big jerk, and SARAH was also the inspiration for ".05ing"... Clearly, we aren't shy about being hard on our friends via the internet, are we? Goodness me! So, I wonder, who's the credited architect of these lumpy, gritty, desiccated, godawful sucrose concoctions? Why, none other than... "One of my good friends in town." Hm! Am I to understand that the identity of the creator of these wayward culinary atrocities was to remain 100% anonymous? Well.
tsk, tsk, tsk, Anthony. poorly done. Ant clearly takes the award for "Bloomington's biggest blogging Chicken Shit"
I'd address poor Bertie's shortcomings (and I'm not just talking about Shrimpie's height, here), but if she's so upset by her miserable dessert failures that she actually has to foist the negativity onto someone else, she is clearly in enough pain, and I need not add to that.
(sappy Lifetime channel music up); All I ever did to deserve this (sob!) was bake lovely desserts for my friends...(sob sob!)... who I love! (blathering sobbing)... Many others, in facing this kind of abuse, would refuse to cook or bake again for such base and ungrateful recipients, but I won't do that. No, I'll keep making delectable sweets for anyone who will have them, but I hope that these ingrates will remind themselves, with every scruptious future bite, that their sorry asses don't deserve it.
What would you do, Sarah?!! I was backed into a corner without anything to use as armor. Anthony was picking on the weakest-- I had to rally as best I could.
And, that said: Anthony, I would love for you to post a picture of a dessert YOU have made!!! You have an incredible knack, friend, for criticizing others in their brave pursuit of activities in which you do not actually participate (e.g., baking, donating to the food basket at church, etc.). I try so hard (heaving, sobbing, gasp)...
No, seriously, I am totally willing to own it: I can't cook (well) to save my life. That dessert was a disaster-- as were all the pastries which came before. I am definetely willing to acknowledge it-- the only reason I didn't in my original post was because I didn't want to give Anthony the satisifaction of a patented Bird melt down... for which he was most definetely trolling!
So cheers, friends! To bad desserts! To gritty frosting! To dry brownies! To lackluster cakes! I celebrate them all! Cheers to intriguing desserts!
One simple fact: who is the biggest fan of your desserts? Me! Don't be so hard on yourself... my mom can't bake either. (I'm in BIG trouble now).
you guys know I'm not actually upset, right? I thought you might be disappointed if I didn't give you a little public flogging...
Thanks for being such a good sport, Sarah! You really-- very honestly-- are an outstanding chef! :)
Stop hugging each other on my blog.
The fact that Anthony's friends endure his digs so well, is a wonder to me.
It is true that his mom (my sister) can't bake cakes. Neither can I. Nor do we care! We do okay at pies though, so please understand that we are not totally "pastry challenged." We just don't see the point as long as there is a bakery nearby.
I really have to meet all of you sometime. And....I am willing to share few things that "get to him."
I'll bet this comment doesn't last long on the blog. He'll delete it faster than you can say, "Betty Crocker."
(his) Aunt Mb
No fear, Aunt MB-- I read it before the censor had a chance to remove your post! His Bloomington friends are VERY anxious to meet you, too! Start making a list of those stellar stories, please! :)
I'm not too sure what that is a picture of, but I do have to say that anyone who keeps up baking for Anthony after his harshness is an angel in my book. Seriously, does he even deserve a nice home-baked dessert in the first place? Hmmm, I say its your turn to bake something Anthony, and then a picture for us all to see!
OMFG! I can't even look at my monitor! It makes me so sick.
Do I know anyone commenting on this blog? Did you people miss the part about me liking the baking and going back for seconds?! I love intriguing desserts!
Mike-- I thought your hobby was throwing stones from your glass house, Mr. Glasshouse!
Tiffany-- Your cakes "taste like burning!"
Owen-- Thanks for the support.
Bertie-- "picking on the weakest"... at least you got that right.
This is war, Peacock(s)!
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