New Word.
0.05 [pronounced "point oh five"]: (v) to 0.05; to mildly, yet belligerently, prod or hassle someone while mildly intoxicated. [root: blowing a 0.05 blood alcohol level in a breathalyzer often corresponds to impaired function and mild intoxication. As reference, in Indiana, 0.08 bal is the legally intoxicated level].
Sarah has had a bit to drink and is getting a little hostile. I wish she'd stop 0.05ing me.
Credit to Bertie Burns.
Excellent, Ant. thanks. In the fibromyalgia post, I am clearly depicted as an unsympathetic, intolerant jackass. (note that it wasn't HIS idea to hate people with fibromyalgia...he's just all too happy to chime in...) Now, in this post, I'm a mildly hostile drunk.
Sarah, I've got to say that you have implicated yourself this time-- Anthony could have been referring to any number of Sarahs he knows-- including his sister!
By owning .05 status as your own, you have willfully accepted your role as a playfully beligerent drinker. Cheers to you, friend! :)
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