Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sooooooooo Polite.

Today, I started thinking about this incident a couple weeks back. I went out for lunch with seven or eight co-workers. As we were walking into Olive Garden, Jen (a co-worker) and I saw a group of three girls coming out. So, trying to be polite, we held the door and let the girl party walk out. One particularly special girl turns and says, "Thank you sooooooooo much."

I almost slammed the door in her face. "Sooooooooo much"?! I'm not sure I did something that warranted a "sooooooo much." A simple "thank you" would suffice in this case. A smile and head nod would be just as appropriate. It's about specific language and perspective. I'd hate to see her reaction if I actually did something meaningful, like donate the kidney, which she'll undoubtedly need to remedy her soon-to-be acute renal failure brought on by severe binge drinking at the local Eye Felta Thigh sorority. How can I take this person seriously? And more importantly, how will society ever take her seriously? Can we, as a people, honestly expect a contribution to the greater good from this yahoo, who clearly has lost all perspective on life? We all know the answer to that one.


At 8:52 AM, Blogger Bird said...

You have a problem with enthusiasm (evidence: your crusade against the exclaimation point).

Lighten up, friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I give it five years at the outside before she's just sitting on her rearend, watching Oprah and eating chocolates.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Anthony said...

Owen, thank you SOOOOO much for that perspective!!!!!!!

Leslie, couldn't agree more.

Bertie, I do not have an enthusiasm problem. It's not enough that you diagnose yourself; now, you are diagnosing me.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, I have to weigh in on this one. Without hearing the intonation on this, I'm not sure I can make a great comment, but I'll start by agreeing with Owen's flirting assesment.
Secondly, I think you're getting increasingly cynical, which does make for good press and responses. I will give you marks for that. But seeing that we've all been immature and flippant at different times of our lives, maybe we shouldn't castigate her. I know I've looked back on a number of my actions during my college days with distain and embarassment.
I believe you to be a good judge of character, but let's not mar the rest of this girls life for one incident. She'll come out of it and become a productive member of society (hopefully), just as I resurrected from the mullet days.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not believe she was flirting with you, because I was holding the door! I guess she could have been flirting with me, but I did not get that vibe!


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