I feel so free. Today, I accomplished the twice annual gutting of the closet space. I bag all the clothes I have not worn or touched in a year and donate them to the Good Will center. Two whole bags, people! I seriously recommend this to everyone. I can't describe the feeling. I feel light as a feather. I look in that closet and get such a sense of satisfaction. Less is definitely more.
Now if my mom participated in this semi-annual event, she could share my feeling. Of course, two whole bags would be the equivalent of throwing a lawn chair off the Queen Mary. But still.
This reminds me--
I still have your Christmas gift in my winter coat pocket....a certificate to a popular clothing store for tweny something's. I'll send it soon so you can start amassing for your next "toss session."
Your mom will laugh at this blog....
Aunt Mb
I'm not even addressing the "limp wristed" inference made by Captain Limp-Wrist himself.
And to be an equal opportunity f*ck you-er, Mike's nickname was "Eurotrash." HA! All those needy people must look like Dieter from Sprockets.
First of all, Anthony, half the stuff I have to toss and purge is yours from your coast to coast moves! Why in the great googly-moogly would I need a "Math Methods for Physicists" book?!?! Light reading on summer days????
And by the way, speaking of baking, do I need to bring up the famous "Thanksgiving night of the burned pies" fiasco?
Now that I am weeping over these exaggerations and half-truths that have been laid out before the whole world, I will go fetch my collection of page-worn cookbooks to make sure you have the most scruptious dessert a mother could make her beloved son - or I'll just buy it.
She's a Catholic mother. Did you expect anything else?
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