Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Well... It Is Finished

So, I ran my first mini-marathon. 13.1 miles. Yea, I'm excited. It's an accomplishment for me. Before race morning, my longest run had been 10.5 miles about a week earlier. I trained pretty diligently, except for a few weeks where training consisted of overeating. But regardless, I'm please. I ran the race in 1:57, which is a hair less than a 9 minute mile. My first nine miles were about an 8.5 minute mile. My last four miles were much worse. The only part on the last stretch that I ran well was when the race route passed the sororities. What can I say? Every guy my age did the same thing. I actually laughed about it after turning the corner with another dude about my age and ability.

I definitely learned a few things:
--26 years old is not the new 21 years old. It's true. My right hip is still a little sore.
--have respect for hilly roads
--people who train for marathons are insane. (I can not imagine running for 2 more hours after my first 2 hours).
--next time, band-aid my nipples. Yep.
--U2's cover of "Mission Impossible Theme" should be on everyone's workout mix. I felt like a secret agent running mile number 5.

I know Fr. Bob has a picture or two. He's the Dominican pastor at St. Paul's... he ran the race 3 minutes faster than me. I mean, he does have God in his corner. Whatever. If I get one or two, I'll post them.

Now that I think of it. This blog needs more photos. The troops and I will start working on that.


At 11:40 AM, Blogger clairehelene7 said...

Congrats on your first half marathon!

I live with someone who is training for a marathon and I can attest that they truly are insane. I mean, she runs in the pouring rain on a regular basis.

I concur you need to spruce the place up with some graphic elements.

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Nice, man. I hear you on the nips part.

There's a product out there called bodyglide (not to be confused with other products of similar names) which looks like a deoderant stick but is a skin lubricant. I need that stuff if I plan on running long, especially if I have a cotton shirt. Yikes.

I do not consider myself to be a heavy-set man, but doing really long distances will let you know explicitly where and how much your thighs may rub.

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Bird said...

Anthony, AMAZING!!!

Congratulations, friend! :)

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Wow... I'm thrilled for you, friend!

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Mike said...


Your reference to the mission impossible theme brings up another interesting topic: the running mix. The songs don't have to be (and rarely are) good, just something to keep you moving. That's the primary purpose of my iPod, with the "running mix" having 77 songs in it, most of which I wouldn't admit I listen to.

Such examples include:
Rockstar - N.E.R.D.
California Love- 2Pac, Dre, et al
Training Montage - SpyGame soundtrack
Confusion Construction - New Order (Blade soundtrack)
Get Up (Sex Machine) - James Brown
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand

and many, many more.

Eventually, I'll come to associate these songs with being out of breath and thirsty.


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