Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Yesterday at 3:09pm, I put the final period... on the final essay... on my final final... YIPPPEEEEEE!

Actually, Anthony will be VERY upset to know that the concluding punctuation on my final was an EXCLAMATION POINT. (!). What can I say? I was excited to be done. (I can sense the sighing/ eye roll from here).

Wow. Mostly I just don't know what to do with myself. I have free time! (wtf?) I actually stayed late at work today, because I simply have nothing else to do. (Okay, I'll be honest: keeping company with oh-so-handsome Andre P. might have had something to do with it too...)

And one of the truly fabulous things about the student life? Wicked long vacations! I'm now off for three weeks. (see ya on the flip side, Boston).

One down... six more semesters to go!


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Anthony said...

Yea, I rolled my eyes... but out of happiness that you finished. Congrats! 1/7 of the way there!

At 1:13 PM, Blogger clairehelene7 said...

I can't wait to see you Sarah! Congrats on the first semester down!


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