Friday, January 05, 2007

The Cusp of Something Very Bad.

Real quick, here's a topic that is, of course, horrible: Iraq.

"The winds of change." (Scorpions, anyone?) Ok, how about "A Mighty Wind's a-Blowin?"

No, seriously, things are about a stone's throw away from the decent-from-which-there-will-be-no-recovery. I know we hear about this every day on the news, but I think that things are about to really shift from "salvage-able" to "ripping-apart-at-the-seams, you-might-as-well-try-and-stop-an-earthquake."

You know when a building or bridge collapses, there's usually some signs that it's really about to go? Not just rocking in the high winds or bits and pieces falling off, but major things going wrong? I'm getting that vibe, here. This is no longer just in a state of bad. It seems like we're one straw away from everything falling apart.

The bipartisan Iraq Study Group which seems to be largely ignored. Tony Snow as White House Press Secretary. Bush planning a "surge." The mob-esque execution of Saddam Hussein on camera phone all over the internet.

I also base this on conversations that I have with a Company Commander in Iraq. He is almost done with his second tour. He is in the First Armored Division, and has been recently extended until February (he should have been home before Christmas). This isn't the first time it's happened to him, either. These guys have sacrificed the vast majority of the last 4 years of their lives for this fiasco, lost marriages, lost limbs, lost friends. He and the other CO's in his Battalion are now signing off on official documents with "DILLIGAFF." Points go to anyone who knows what that means.

Of course, I hope I'm wrong about all of this. Interesting times to be alive.


At 12:05 AM, Blogger Mike said...

The President gives his pitch Wednesday night, and Speaker Pelosi has given her expectations.

I have been very pleased with her stance thus far. I don't think she sounds great when speaking to large crowds, but (in my opionion), she did great when talking to NPR today.

I think that this issue is just too complex and important to discuss in blog format. I wouldn't want to give the impression that I treat any aspect of this with less than seriousness, but that would necessitate a long and carefully worded discussion. So, just take my word that while my comments may be brief, I take the situation with the appropriate gravity, solemnity, respect, and outrage that it necessarily draws.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Anthony said...

Michael, that is complete bullshit. I lived with you for over 2 years. I found you to be generally careless and cavalier with your thoughts and beliefs. The fact that you are now portraying your positions as anything but haphazard is misrepresentation.


I actually think the blog silence is recognition that you hit the nail on the head. I sat down to right a response probably three times. I would start typing and then I couldn't stop so I deleted. I guess the climactic moments of an epic are often quiet.

My highest hope is that the new balance in power will yield significant returns. May be Bush wouldn't have been so bad had the Congress stayed Democrat. When I watch "Meet the Press" and "This Week" and read the news, I sometimes feel better knowing there is balance in power. Balance to all the extreme positions of war, poverty, healthcare, regulation, energy, etc.

And may be this should make us appreciate even more the wisdom of our Constitution. *Battle Hymn of the Republic plays*

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Tonight at 9PM EST.


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