Friday, March 17, 2006


Pat is a lovely person with whom I work. That's all you need to know to enjoy this first of, hopefully, many "Life With Pat" installments.

This incident happened today, St. Patrick's Day, 17th March 2006.

So I turn to Pat and said, "Hey Pat. It's your feast day today."
"Oh. I guess I never thought of it that way."
"Well, there sure aren't any St. Patricias," I said, with that "duh" sound in my voice.
"Oh come on, there must be one."
"Wanna bet?"
"I'll take that bet. What do I win?" Pat replied.
"I win a free lunch at the TroHo," I retorted. No one gets the best of me. The "TroHo" is what all the cool people in Bloomington call the Trojan Horse, a Greek restaurant on the square downtown.

Of course, like all other need to know items, I googled it. Within seconds, my jaw slams on the ground. The first hit on Google reads, "St. Patricia, feast day March 2nd..."

"Oh shit. I lose. Wait. If this saint is Lutheran or Episcople, it doesn't count. She has to be a Catholic saint."
"That was never part of the bet."

Suffice it to say, St. Patricia is a Catholic saint and Pat won. St. Patricia lived in Naples in the 4th century and basically renounced men in order to live a life of holiness. Yea, that's it. You know this lady's miracles were probably card tricks. Needless to say, she's a pretty crap saint... but nonetheless, a saint. What pope canonized her and ran away?!

Later that day, Maureen, a friend, called to arrange group plans for a St. Patrick's Day pub crawl. After that phone call, Pat passed me in the hallway on her way out the door. I turned to her and said,

"I wonder if there's a St. Maureen."
"Not this again. There must be," Pat replied emboldened with her morning bet winning.
"Double or nothing?!"
"You're on!"

Googled it and, voila, no St. Maureen. Sweet victory.


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Bird said...

There is a special place in hell who use the saints as fodder for betting! ;)

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Bird said...

Pat!!! Ohmygosh!! You are my "nearly best friend"!!! Marcus and I adore you-- you are just hilarious!! We have been *begging* Anthony to introduce us to the "Mythical Pat" (that is, until we heard he had shared with you about Almost Asian Dave, Marcus, and-- of course-- Bruce. I swear, Anthony was behind all of these imaginaries.. well, no, not really-- but he is the one that keeps them alive!!!).

Great to make your acquaintence, if only virtually!


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