Monday, March 13, 2006

Try to contain your excitement.

I've been toying with the idea for a while. It seems uncharacteristic. No way does Anthony have a blog!? He sure does. I figured the walls of my apartment have grown tired of my rantings. In an effort to rectify that situation (and at the behest of the walls), I'm broadcasting my thoughts into cyberspace. Be afraid... once you get inside this mind, there is no way out. It's a scary place. Take my word for it. I'm a little concerned this blog will resurface in 2038 during my presidential bid. But that is a risk with which I am willing to live. As for more posts or entries, don't expect many. As a matter of fact, don't expect any. There... I dropped the bar to the floor. No way can I fail your expectations. I'd like to think I will stick with this for a while. But I know me... probably better than most.


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